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You Have a Business Problem!
Work With People First
Data quality issue is a business process problem.
It is not a technical problem.
It is not a data problem.
Data governance is missing in action because the business has no process to act rationally.
Stop buying new tools to solve a business process problem.
Tools are for technical problems.
People drive processes, not tools.
Recently, my team has been working hard on preemptive data quality control in different functional groups. It’s been difficult because people won’t care about it until they experience the pain of going back and forth with me for hours on what their data means. That’s the moment when they realize that their data is not as good as they thought it was.
The data quality process should be owned by the business. Only they know best how to label, process, and enter data into the databases. I’m here to help when they’re ready.
It’s like you want to lose weight so you hire someone to work out for you. That’s never going to work. Data quality can only be improved when the business processes support it.

Follow Jasper here https://twitter.com/polak_jasper.
He has all the wisdom you need in project management.